The research on fossils continues to evolve. New remedies are now available from Ainsworths Pharmacy in London. The 12 Stage Fossil Classification Table has now been expanded to reflect these new additions which will help patients who have lost their ‘radiance.
This is a beautifully illustrated A3-size book and is the third book on fossil remedies published by Martin Mercy, informing us about her latest 12 fossil remedies as follows: Graptolites, Aetobatus, Cleoniceras besairei ammonite, Oliva sayana, Nostoceras, Fusinus, Heliophyllum horn coral, Rastellum, Clypeasteroidea, Gryphae, Cirripedia, Pecten texanus/Pecten latissimus
Martin Mercy uses water colour paintings (the author is an artist/painter herself) for provings as well as Hahnemannian provings and clinical experience data to give a deeper insight into each remedy.
Radiant information indeed!
(One customer has advised that in order to fully understand and use the information in this book, you will also need the previous book 'Fascinating Fossils: New Homeopathic Remedies by Martine Mercy.)
- Author: Martine Mercy
- ISBN: 9781906631901
- 148 pages
- Hardback
- Published in 2021
- Printed in United Kingdom
Reprinted with the permission of the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths, from the 'Homeopathy in Practice' Journal, Spring/Summer 2022 edition. Reviewed by Elizabeth Adalian.
This is Martine's fifth book, her third on fossil remedies, and Martine tells us that the research on fossils continues to evolve. The book's subtitle is timely - particularly when coming out of a pandemic, people feel jaded and would be drawn to any title that offers to help them regain their radiance - especially a book based on homeopathy.
The author obviously feels passionately about fossil remedies as she explains how they supported her in her recovery from food intolerances and breast cancer. The Dorset seascape where she lives is colonised by fossils, so her familiarity with them has been a considerable part of her adult life. In this text, she extends her understanding to cover the geographical location beyond those shores as well as the morphology of the individual fossil remedies she puts under the lens.
The glossy front cover presents more like a coffee table book than a homeopathic textbook, with its A4 size and multi-coloured illustration of a scallop-shaped fossil. The author, as well as writing the text for the book, also did the illustrations. Indeed, she gets more closely in touch with the remedies while focusing on them for her incredibly detailed and inspired illustrations.
Looking beneath the surface, I found the provings of the different fossils relatable and applicable for what one encounters in the clinic today. The 12 new remedies fit into the following categories:
- victim
- territory invasion
- fearful - coping with fear after trauma
- gaining confidence and autonomy
- growth - reconstruction
- vision of success in sight
- harmony and equilibrium
- improving drainage
- antidoting toxicity
- inner empowerment and protection.
The chapter headings at the front include references to Martine's previous books, which is useful for those who have read her earlier texts. However, I felt this was not necessary to appreciate the true fruits of this particular edition.
Martine indicates where general homeopathic remedies are similar to the one being discussed, and also indicates complementary remedies from the fossil kingdom. In addition, she quotes words and phrases or patients' stories which I found very accessible and defining for each remedy selected. She also includes physical symptoms and mental / emotional ones under each heading.
She highlights the remedy Oliva sayana for patients after experiencing COVID-19. At the time of its proving, other worldwide events such as bush fires in Australia and some stark political events were happening. Martine tells us about one particular patient who called her remedy derived from Oliva sayana her anxiety tablets. If one thing emerged from the pandemic, it was the level of anxiety which went up by many notches in all age groups.
I find a good materia medica always brings to mind different phases of my own life or that of people I know. While reading this text, I noted down several remedies to keep in stock in case I ever need them. I was particularly impressed that those pictures stood out in varied and distinct ways from each other in their full picture.
In the second part of the book, Martine discusses the use of different potencies for fossil remedies. Her advice is to stick to high potencies such as 1M or 10M, because the origins of physical symptoms often have their roots in emotional causes. Martine says patients who need fossil remedies often have long-standing chronic emotional or physical symptoms.
There is a section on nearly 20 physical organs with affinities with the different fossil remedies covered in the text which I found to be very useful. On the next page, different disease conditions are targeted according to selected combined fossil remedies - again from the text. Finally, the author includes a suggestion for travel remedies, supporting jet lag and toxicity from insecticide spray used on board aeroplanes.
We learn on the back cover that the fossil remedies in the book are available from Ainsworths. There is also a Renaissance cream derived from five other fossil remedies in 10M potency which has proved to be helpful to avoid bedsores in patients confined to bed for days on end.
I appreciated the quote from Joseph Campbell:
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for. The damned thing in the cave was so dreaded has become the centre.
This is emblematic of the deep cure fossil remedies can elicit striking at the very core of healing. Martine says that patients become more luminous after leaving their fossilised shell.
After losing her husband at the end of last year, a combination of three of the remedies in 10M potency restored Martine to her usual radiance. This disclosure felt so heartfelt to me, confirming the value of these deep-acting remedies which are so much indicated at this time in our history.