Weakness and its Cure in Homoeopathy
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Patients in general feel weakness in one form or the other and as the fact of the matter, during the course of the homoeopathic treatment especially of chronic diseases. The cause of weakness should be found and be given first priority for its treatment so that the patient can restore the vital force to its normal condition.
This unusual little book covers a huge range of weaknesses and their homeopathic treatment.
Preface -- v
Homeopathic Treatment for Weakness -- 1
Abdomen -- I
Activity -- 4
Addison's Disease -- 4
Affected Parts -- 4
Afternoon -- 4
Air -- 6
Albuminuria -- 7
Anemia -- 7
Anger -- 7
Ankle -- 7
Anthrax -- 7
Anus -- 7
Apoplexy -- 7
Appetite -- 8
Arms -- 8
Ascending -- 9
Awakening -- 9
Back -- 10
Backache -- 11
Bathing -- 11
Bed -- 11
Beer -- 12
Bladder -- 12
Body -- 13
Bones -- 13
Bowels -- 13
Brain -- 14
Breakfast -- 14
Breathing -- 14
Bronchitis -- 15
Bruised -- 15
Calves -- 15
Cancer -- 16
Carbuncle -- 16
Cardiac -- 16
Catalepsy -- 16
Catarrh -- 16
Chest -- 17
Children -- 22
Chill -- 22
Chilliness -- 23
Cholera -- 23
Chorea -- 23
Climacteric Period -- 23
Cloudy, Damp Weather -- 23
Coffee -- 24
Coition -- 24
Cold Weather -- 24
Coldness -- 24
Collapse -- 24
Confinement -- 25
Constipation -- 20
Constitution -- 25
Convulsions -- 25
Cough -- 26
Croup -- 27
Dampness -- 28
Daytime -- 28
Death -- 28
Delirium -- 28
Descending Steps -- 28
Diabetes -- 28
Diarrhea -- 29
Dinner -- 30
Diphtheria -- 31
Discharges -- 32
Dream -- 32
Drinking -- 32
Dropsy -- 33
Drop Things -- 33
Drugs -- 33
Dysentery -- 33
Ears -- 34
Eating -- 34
Emaciation -- 35
Emissions -- 35
Epigastrium -- 35
Erections -- 38
Erethism. -- 38
Eruption -- 38
Erysipelas -- 39
Evening -- 39
Excess -- 41
Excessive -- 41
Excitement -- 41
Exertion -- 41
Exhilaration -- 45
Extremities -- 45
Eye -- 51
Face -- 54
Fainting -- 54
Faintness -- 55
Falling -- 56
Feet -- 56
Fever -- 60
Fingers -- 63
Fluids -- 64
Flushes -- 65
Food -- 65
Forearm -- 65
Forehead -- 66
Forenoon -- 66
Fright -- 67
General -- 68
Genitals -- 68
Gonorrhea -- 68
Grief -- 69
Hands -- 69
Head -- 72
Headache -- 75
Heart -- 76
Heat -- 77
Hemorrhage -- 78
Hip -- 80
Hunger -- 81
Hysteria -- 82
Illness -- 82
Influenza -- 82
Inguinal -- 82
Injuries -- 82
Insomnia -- 83
Internal -- 83
Joints -- 83
Kidneys -- 86
Knee-joint -- 87
Knees -- 87
Labour -- 92
Lactation -- 93
Larynx -- 93
Leucorrhoea -- 104
Lifting -- 105
Limbs -- 105
Liver -- 118
Loins -- 119
Looking down -- 119
Loss of sleep -- 119
Lost fluids -- : -- 119
Love -- 7, 119
Lower jaw -- 119
Lumbar -- 120
Lungs -- 121
Lying down -- 122
Menses -- 123
Mental condition -- 128
Midnight -- 132
Mid-scapulae -- 132
Morning -- 133,
Mortification -- 138
Motion -- 138
Mouth -- 138
Muscles -- 139
Nausea -- 139
Neck -- 139
Nervous -- 140
Night -- 140
Noon -- 141
Nose -- 141
Nursing sick -- 142
Nursing women -- 142
Old people -- 142
Open air -- 142
Ovaries -- 143
Pains -- 143
Palpitation -- 144
Paralysis -- 144
Paralytic -- 145
Paroxysms -- 146
Pelvis -- 146
Periodic -- 147
Perspiration -- 147
Pleasure -- 148
Precordium -- 148
Pregnancy -- 148
Profound -- 148
Progressive -- 148
Pulse -- 149
Rapid -- 149
Reading -- 150
Rectum -- 150
Relaxed state -- 151
Respiration -- 152
Rest -- 152
Restlessness -- 152
Rheumatism -- 152
Riding -- 153
Ring -- 153
Rising -- 153
Sacroiliac -- 154
Sacrum -- 154
Scarlatina -- 154
Sciatica -- 154
Sea bath -- 154
Sexual condition -- 154
Shoulder -- 156
Sides -- 157
Sinking -- 157
Sitting -- 162
Sleep -- 163
Smoking -- 166
Somnambulism -- 166
Spasm -- 166
Speech -- 166
Sphincter-Ani -- 166
Spring -- 166
Standing -- 167
Stomach -- 167
Stool -- 170
Stooping -- 173
Storm -- 173
Sudden -- 173
Sunstroke -- 176
Supper -- 176
Sweat -- 176
Syphilis -- 177
Talking -- 177
Tendo Achillis -- 179
Thigh -- 179
Thirst -- 183
Throat -- 183
Thumb -- 183
Thunderstorm -- 184
Tingling -- 184
Tobacco -- 184
Toes -- 184
Transient -- 184
Trembling -- 184
Tremulous -- 185
Unconsciousness -- 186
Uremia -- 186
Urinary symptoms -- 186
Urination -- 186
Uterus -- 187
Uvula -- 187
Veins -- 188
Vertigo -- 188
Vexation -- 188
Vision -- 188
Voice -- 189
Vomiting -- 189
Waking -- 190
Walking -- 190
Warm room -- 193
Weather -- 193
Womb -- 194
Worms -- 194
Wrist -- 194
Writing -- 195
Yawning -- 195
References -- 197
- Author: Sayeed Ahmad
- ISBN: 9788170217909
- 198 pages
- Paperback
- Published in 1999
- Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)