Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective?
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This bestselling vaccine handbook evaluates each vaccine for safety, efficacy, and long-term effects. It contains the most comprehensive, up-to-date, uncensored data available -- information that many doctors don't even know. It includes the most recent studies, numerous case histories detailing vaccine-induced damage to children, and pinpoints for parents exact conditions that may put their own child at high risk. It includes information on vaccine ingredients, natural versus artificial immunity, and provides data documenting correlations between MMR and autism, polio vaccines and cancer, the hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis, the Hib vaccine and diabetes, and much, much more. In addition, it outlines current vaccine laws and offers parental options to "mandatory" shots. Parents, educators, and health professionals have very few sources of information permitting them to make informed choices regarding vaccines. But concerned parents are pleading for answers to their many questions. Doctors only tell them one side of the story; there is another side. Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? tells the other side and helps all concerned people to make wise and responsible decisions.
- Author: Neil Miller
- ISBN: 9781881217305
- 126 pages
- Paperback
- Printed in United States