Some Rosaceae: Prunus and Similars

by Massimo Mangialavori, Betty Wood, John Sobraska, Krista Heron

  • Some Rosaceae: Prunus and Similars
  1. Arriving Soon - Available to Order



This third instalment of Massimo Mangialavori’s Materia Medica Clinica presents ten remedies from the taxonomic family of the Rosaceae. These remedies are known not only for their aid in rheumatic conditions affecting the heart, kidneys, joints, and throat but also for their congenial personalities that sacrifice pleasure and play in order to devote themselves to those in need.

Whether dispensed by a vision (Sanguisorba) or encouraged by a belief that all is God’s plan (Fragaria), these ideals shepherd them on their mission (Rubus fruticosus), to serve as a template of munificence (Pyrus), pushing them at times to the fringes of society (Agrimonia). Their revolutionary idealism may gather followers (Rubus idaeus), but they are not fundamentalists, they do not want to impose their ideals; rather, they simply serve.

The five-petalled flowers, the thorny branches or stems, and the bitter stone hidden inside the soft-sweet fruit typify these plants and exemplify the homeopathic traits in these remedies: heart-centered people who feel they must atone for any vestige of selfishness, turning away from instinctive anger in order to give everything.