"It is my prediction, or rather my conviction, that this materia medica will be the standard against which all other homeopathic texts will be measured for the next hundred years. George Vithoulkas has here begun a work as far beyond other contemporary writings, just as Kent's Lectures on Materia Medica exceeded other materia medicas of his day. This materia medica is breath taking in scope and detail. The chapters highlight both the new insight of Mr Vithoulkas into the essence and central uses of the remedies as well supplying all the important confirmatory symptoms for each of the remedies described" - Roger Morrison, M.D.
After years of his 'stolen essences' being circulated around the world, Vithoulkas has produced this encyclopaedic work. Each remedy picture begins with its botanical name or chemical composition, geographical distribution, toxicological information, and actual cases of overdose or poisoning where available. Vithoulkas' perception of the remedy is presented in a section entitled "The Essential Features,". "Generalities and Keynotes," lists more specific and detailed characteristics, both generals and particulars. He concludes with a summary of clinical applications, remedy relationships, and dosage. Wherever possible, cured cases from the classical literature are included. Other sections are Clinical, Causation, and Antidotes.
Please see the individual volumes for more detail.
- Volume 1 - Abelmoschus to Ambrosia artemisiae folia
- Volume 2 - Ammoniacum gummi to Argentum nitricum
- Volume 3 - Arnica to Avena sativa
- Volume 4 - Bacillinum to Benzoic acid
- Volume 5 - Berberis vulgaris to Butyricacid
- Volume 6 - Cactus grandilflorus to Calcarea silicata
- Volume 7 - Calendula officinalis to Carcinosinum
- Volume 8 - Carduus marianus to Cicuta virosa
- Volume 9 - Cimicifuga racemosa to Conium maculatum
- Volume 10 - Corallium rubrum to Euphrasia officinalis
- Volume 11 - Ferrum metallicum to Helleborus niger
- Volume 12 - Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum to Iris Versicolor
- Volume 13 - Kali Arsenicosum to Kreosotum