Homoeopathic Handbook for Dairy Farming
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Tineke Verkade has dedicated years to the study of homeopathy and now helps educate others on how homeopathy can help both them and their animals.
As a registered nurse, Tineke worked at Waikato Hospital in New Zealand for 16 years before pursuing her interest in homeopathy. Taking on the challenge to assist both human and animal clients, Tineke completed both the Diploma in Homeopathy and the Diploma in Homeopathy (Animal Health) with the College of Natural Health & Homeopathy.
Registered with the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths (NZCH), Tineke has supported clients through the use of homeopathy over many years.
Given her wealth of clinical experience, Tineke has written a book specifically aimed to help educate dairy farmers on homeopathy options. “Homeopathic Handbook For Dairy Farming” came about after repeated requests for information.
Written in plain English, it is refreshingly practical and accessible. “It’s very user-friendly and ideal for farmers who don’t have the time to wade through excess information,” she says.
“The book is not meant as a veterinary replacement, but rather to complement existing veterinary and animal health books and help broaden the knowledge dairy farmers have of homeopathy.
“It is to help educate them on the possibilities of homeopathy and topics covered include mastitis, facial eczema, milk fever, and parasite control.”
Tineke is quick to point out that she is not trying to lure farmers away from traditional veterinary measures.
“I am just trying to teach people about Homeopathy and how it can complement other traditional treatments.
Tineke hopes to help improve farmers understanding of homeopathy, how it works and its amazing benefits for both small and large farm animals.
- Author: Tineke Verkade
- ISBN: 9780473083762
- 120 pages
- Edition: Revised Second
- Paperback
- Published in 2001
- Printed in New Zealand