Diseases of the Respiratory and Digestive System of Children
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This book is a compilation of two articles by Bernoville. “Diseases of Digestive System of Children’ was published in June 1934 and “Diseases of the Respiratory System of Children” was published in May 1937.
"Disease of the Digestive system of Children" is a translation of the article "Treatment Homoeopathique des troubles de 1' Apparel digestive et de la nutrition dans la premiere enhance" by Dr Fortier-Bernoville, which was published in the journal 1' Homoeopathic
Modern No. 12, 15th June, 1934, and the second article "Diseases of the Respiratory system of children" is a translation of the article " 1" Homoeopathic infantile dans
less affection aigkues des voices respiratories" by A L Rousseau published in the same issue of the same journal. The third article is a summary of a lecture delivered
by Dr Fortier-Bernoville in the 1'Ecole francaise d'Homoeopathie on the 4th May, 1937. This translation was first published in the journal Hahnemannian Gleanings for its topographical interest, No. 12, December, 1972.
In these articles the readers will often meet with the words "Constitution &. Temperament" and the word "Drainage", The words Constitution and Temperament as understood by the French homoeopaths are somewhat different to what we understand by them. Drainage is a word foreign to us. For the proper understanding of these terms I would ask my readers to go through my two books "Constitution and Temperament" and "What we must not do in Homoeopathy", published by Jain Publishers.
- Author: Maurice Fortier-Bernoville
- ISBN: 9788170213895
- 66 pages
- Paperback
- Published in 1997
- Printed in India (India quality)