Cancer: An Illustrated Guide to the Treatment of Cancer
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Today we are able to split an atom; but despite all the the advances in medical research, cancer remains to be one of the most elusive and challenging diseases to treat. Cancer is the second leading cause of death after heart disease. One of the problems in fighting cancer is that cancerous cells can slip away from the original tumour and migrate throughout the body to other locations, creating secondary tumours called metastasis. We have more knowledge, more medicines but less infirmity as far as cancer is concerned.
This book is the outcome of 57 years of experience of the author in the treatment, studies and research work related to cancer. It explains in detail, various types of cancers that affect mankind so that physicians should not erroneously diagnose cases as cancer cases. This book also highlights the skill and intelligence required for treating cancer patients. No two cases of cancer are alike so a physician ought to have a thorough knowledge of materia medica to differentiate the symptoms and find the correct similimum. Different types of cancers are described in alphabetical order for the sake of convenience of the readers. The book is written in an easy to understand language and will prove beneficial to both the layman and the medical practitioners.
- Author: Harbans Singh Khaneja
- ISBN: 9788180564178
- 165 pages
- Paperback
- Published in 2002
- Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)