Breaking Free
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The effects of child sexual abuse haunt the survivors into adult life, in guilt and shame, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, fear of relationships and sexual problems. Carolyn Ainscough and Kay Toon draw on their experience and the accounts of survivors to offer a book packed with practical suggestions for overcoming the effects of abuse. The Workbook can be used alongside Breaking Free or on its own, and lays a greater emphasis on practical exercises to work through the problems. Both will be enormously useful to survivors of abuse and those who care for them. Kay Toon is a clinical psychologist, nationally recognised for her pioneering work with survivors of child sexual abuse. She has set up a psychology service in Wakefield and run a series of survivors self-helps groups. Until her death in 2000, Carolyn Ainscough worked closely alongside Kay.
- Author: Carolyn Ainscough, Kay Toon
- ISBN: 9780859698108
- 309 pages
- Paperback
- Printed in United Kingdom