A Practical Solution to Potency Problem
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1. What is Potency
2. What does Potentisation Mean
3. Advantages derived from Potentisation of the drug
4. Scales of Potentisation
5. Ways of Dynamisation
6. Classification of Potency
7. Skill and Knowledge of physician
8. Some of the opinions of the eminent Homoeopaths
9. Nature of the patient
10. Nature of the disease
11. Nature of the Medicine
10. List of Medicines in alphabetical order
11. Medicines that act better in potency
12. Medicines that work in lower potency
13. Medicines that are efficient in 30th potency
14. Nosodes
15. Glandular Medicines
16. Other general principles
17. Biochemic Medicines
18. Fifty Millesimal scale Potency
19. References
- Author: Yad Ram Agrawal
- 72 pages
- Edition: Third
- Paperback
- Published in 1988
- Printed in India (Indian quality)