The Mystery and Power of Python Regia

by Brigitte Klotzsch

  • The Mystery and Power of Python Regia

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Using Python in a western society

In Germany I have successfully used Python in cases of bulimia, an illness which raises many questions in the west. What does bulimia in our country have in common with Kwashiorkor in Rwanda? In western society no child starves when it is rejected by its parents. Why do eating disorders occur? Do children with eating problems feel emotionally neglected by their mothers? Does the child have the feeling that the mother doesn’t pay it enough attention or give enough time? Or does the bulimic child give the care which it does not get itself to others, for example to the father or siblings? Is bulimia a sign of the emotional starvation of children? Do children find themselves adrift in an industrial ‘soundbite a minute’ society? Do we underestimate the spiritual hunger of children and is this then substituted with food and maybe also sweet things? I would like to see Python used more and more frequently in both Africa and Europe and to see its beneficial effects manifest in the development of children.