The Homeopathic Revolution
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What do Charles Darwin, David Beckham, Tina Turner, eleven American presidents, and seven popes have in common?
All have advocated for or been enthusiastic fans of homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy has been supported by many of the most respected people of the past 200 years, and modern science is finally catching up. In The Homeopathic Revolution Dana Ullman recounts the fascinating personal experiences of many well-known people from a variety of fields and describes important scientific studies of homeopathy that verify its value. Through his new definition of homeopathy as nano pharmacology, he shows that this often-controversial form of health care is medicine for the twenty-first century.
- Author: Dana Ullman
- ISBN: 9781556436710
- 387 pages
- Paperback
- Published in 2007
- Printed in United States