Repertory of Hering's Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica
This repertory is a faithful reproduction of the Guiding Symptoms, its contents classified and indexed. The order of arrangement, or method of classification, followed in the compilation of this repertory is the one inaugurated by Hahnemann, developed, perfected and used by Hering throughout his materia medica work.
Knerr's Repertory is an excellent clinical repertory. Various pathological conditions or diseases are mentioned which were found to be cured by particular drugs.
The reliability of the symptoms and remedies is doubly ensured by repeated observations and confirmations.
An excellent repertory for use in cases abounding in pathological and clinical symptoms.
- Author: Calvin Knerr
- ISBN: 8170212413
- 1978 pages
- Hardback
- Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)