
by Massimo Mangialavori

  • Insecurity

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A Homeopathic Perspective - Edited by Betty Wood

Insecurity is a universal emotion experienced from one extent or another in all lives. For some this invades at moments; for others, the feeling may be monumental and is the driving force in their existence. All face insecurity in their own particular and individualistic style.

Dr Massimo Mangialavori examines this vast topic by acknowledging the complexity of human life and imploring us to recognize the depth and complexity of Homeopathic Medicine. He opens by presenting the psychological perspective of the dimensions and causations of poor self-confidence and its counterpart, self-assurance; he continues by exploring the interplay of these polarities in achieving narcissistic balance. To further clarify these aspects, representative homeopathic substances and their distinctive characteristics are introduced. Through out this book, Dr Mangialavori returns to the roots of Homeopathic Medicine by providing concrete examples of how to better to utilize the homeopathic repertory to study these broad topics as well as lesser-known remedies, and to refine the repertorial study of our patients.

The Aluminum and Baryta substances are investigated in depth. Cases of several of the salts of each family are presented which provide the opportunity not only to distinguish the two families, but to become proficient in recognizing the attributes each particular salt contributes to its base substance. Chapters, each with illustrative cases, in depth discussion, as well as comparative materia medica are presented on Gossypium, Saccharum album, Epiphegus, Tabacum, Daphne indica, Aconitum, Magnetis polusaustralis, and Thallium metallicum. In each case Dr Mangialavori provides his unique contribution, sharing what he has learned through his meticulous observations of his patients.

  • Author: Massimo Mangialavori
  • ISBN: 9788888799155
  • 459 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2008
  • Printed in Germany