Homeopathic Color Remedies

by Ambika Wauters

  • Homeopathic Color Remedies

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Colour has been known for centuries to have profound effect on people, whether it is a piece of clothing or the colour of a wall or a garden in full bloom. Naturopaths for this reason have treated people with coloured light for some time now. Ambika Wauters has taken this knowledge and pushed it one step further by turning colours into potentized remedies.

In homeopathy, information is gathered on the effect of possible remedies by testing them on healthy human volunteers. Ambika herself and several of her colleagues have done such "provings," and the results so far seem to be positive. As one of her colleagues says in his preface to Homeopathic Color Remedies, "Ambika Wauters is not content to follow in the steps marked out by others - she does not get her knowledge out of books, but directly from people."

Ambika works on a premise that once a blockage is located at a specific chakra, the colorr that has traditionally been associated with that chakra can be used as a remedy and taken orally in a potentized pill. Wauters' homeopathic colour remedies increase our energetic flow physically, emotionally and mentally.


  • Author: Ambika Wauters
  • ISBN: 9780895949974
  • 133 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 1999
  • Printed in United States