Classical Homeopathic Lectures of Vassilis Ghegas Index to Volumes A to I

by Vassilis Ghegas

  • Classical Homeopathic Lectures of Vassilis Ghegas Index to Volumes A to I

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Very useful to find the information within this wonderful lecture series.

Vassilis uses a central idea when presenting the essence of polycrests. This central idea is found on mental, emotional and physical levels, so that it is of great help in the differential diagnosis (e.g.: ARS.: "tendency to self-preservation"; LACH.: "overstimulation which seeks an outlet"; NUX-V.: "efforts beyond the abilities"; PLAT.: "excessive needs, who seeks for balance" etc.)

The different subjects of Vassilis' lectures are arranged thematically and in alphabetical order. The references consist of a capital referring to the volume and a number referring to the page (e.g.: GRAPH.-child: C.80 means Volume C page 80).